Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vicarious Intercession

Stodge: a dull person or idea. One whose thick head cannot be penetrated.

By all means, Barb, come boldly into the holy presence of God. Come with your laughter and your tears. Come with your interminable questions and internal striving, but always remember that you come only by the blood of Jesus. Do not imagine that there is a piece of you that would get through without him. You could stay on the land and labor all your days, never leaving, never squandering, never celebrating, but that would not earn your entrance. Hence, when you come -- even when you are angry and distraught, confused and disappointed, or excited and full of good news -- it must always be with genuine humility. You can scream and shout, but remember, you are here by grace alone.

This pilgrimage is possible only by his grace, his longsuffering. When you come, the goal -- no matter how messy the process -- is to bring your thoughts into line with his, not the other way around. Come, Barbara, come.


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