Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Passion of Patience

At church this morning, Pastor Don quoted Bishop William Temple, a priest in the Church of England during the first half of the 20th century: "A person's responsibility and opportunity is to commit as much of himself as he knows to as much of Christ as he knows." That might not be the exact quote. I tried to find it online to gain some kind of context but to no avail. Still, I found the concept encouraging -- not in a lift-me-out-of-my-seat kind of way, but in a slow, steady, "yeah, yeah, that makes sense" kind of way.

I may not have a complete vision of God. I may, in fact, have only a very small sliver of a vision, but no matter how small, I have it, and when I focus on that sliver, I find beauty there. Likewise, I do not have a very complete picture of myself. I have pieces of a picture -- my love for ideas and the written word, my sometimes frustrating need to be authentic, my strong sense of motherhood and longing for connection -- and I can commit those pieces to that sliver of a God vision.

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