Sunday, May 9, 2010

Grasp without Reach

"Are we expecting God to do greater things than He has ever done? Is there a freshness and vigor in our spiritual outlook?" -- Oswald.

I get knocked down, but I get up again. And I think the only thing that enables me to get up again is a belief that God will intervene. Some way. Somehow. I will laugh again. I will work again. I will share of myself again. Tortured relationships will become less so. I will string words together with confidence again. But I am afraid to hope that God will do greater things than he has ever done. I fear that it is wrong to expect it.

1 comment:

  1. My dad told me once: Expect God to move. And now I know that expecting Him to move makes me more aware of His presence in my daily life. And I look for how He is working. Not always. I get distracted and caught in routine. But it's a goal of mine to always be expecting Him to move and do great things. Because I know He's not just sitting in a chair up in heaven hoping we do the right thing. So don't be afraid to hope, not just in your life but all around you as well.

    I love you!
