Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Are You Discouraged in Devotion?

A hard word. Not something I can say this and that about . . .

God's word for me today came through a co-worker and a 3-word plaque given to me for my birthday. My friend Dawn gave me the plaque. Frank hung it above the door where I cannot miss it. Every time I leave the house, every time I stand at the kitchen sink, I will see this simple message: God is good.

The other words came from the young woman with whom I share an office. She is large with child and with mountains of ideas -- colors, images, sketches forming first in her mind and traveling to her fingers. I talk words and she talks images and somehow we connect. Today she gave a short devotional during our team meeting on some words from Dietrich Bonhoeffer. My very inadequate paraphrase: God is reality. Apart from him, there is no reality. It makes no sense to talk about goodness apart from him. We cannot segment our lives into the God parts and the non-God parts. They are all God parts. (This is probably why Jess doesn't like it when people refer to "God moments." They are all God moments, she says.) The thing is, Jess, they don't all feel like God moments. But what are feelings anyway? I hear they can't be trusted.

I do seem to be saying this and that . . . but really, I have no words. My oldest son went back to college today halfway across the country. I started missing him yesterday while he still sat at my table. Son #2 had surgery last week to remove his appendix. You've heard it a thousand times . . . life is fragile.

God is reality. God is good. I have no words.



  1. For me,I believe the had word is no restaurant. When I had one I allowed it to totally consume me. Worked at work & thought about it all the rest of the time. I fell asleep at my son's second birthday-at Chuck E Cheese's-because I had just opened the restaurant. It was down hill from there. i don't think I've ever been as far off the path in my Christian life as then.

  2. Wow Frank! I am always amazed at the knowledge gain from looking back. Hind sight is 20 20.
