Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Undeviating Test

Unshaved legs. Blemishes. Dirty ears. Cavities. Extra pounds. Snoring. Gas. Buck teeth. Bad jokes. Bad breath. Bad hair. No hair. Wrinkles. Make-up smears. Fingernail biting. Swearing. Stains. Poor taste. Forgetful. Curt. Impulsive. Flirtatious. Boastful. Accident-prone. Self-absorbed. Lazy. Unforgiving. Disrespectful. Undisciplined. Addicted. Lustful. Angry. Obsessive. Compulsive. Wishy-washy. Jealous. Gluttonous. Stingy. Uptight. Careless. Negligent. Rushed. Oblivious. Fastidious.

I am flawed. The people around me are flawed. We can pick each other apart bit by bit or we can extend the same generous forbearance we hope others will extend to us.




  1. I love you and our family. Thanks for all the years of grace.

  2. Grace is good! The trap of judgement is all to easy to fall into. If I pray for others on a regular basis the trap is not as easy.
