Sunday, June 13, 2010

Getting There

I love Oswald's language today. Who wouldn't want to be a "holy experiment" in the hands of God? Especially knowing that his experiments always succeed. Mine, on the other hand, frequently don't, so why would I insist on control?

I worked in my wildly overgrown, out-of-control garden today -- pulling weeds and volunteer plants with abandon -- and I was getting hugely discouraged by the overwhelming amount of work when I stopped. I stopped, went to find a camera and took a few pictures. The purpose was to remind myself to look for beauty along the way, to enjoy the process, but it occurred to me that I was also documenting a few of God's experiments.

An amazing wellspring of original life. Perennially fresh.

A life reproducing the echo of Christ's "come."


  1. Yes! God is always The Amazing Wellspring of Original Life.

  2. Gardens are a huge reminder of God's experiments! I keep my garden so I can't forget who God is. We are like God's flowers, each a unique and beatiful experament, that work if we put him in charge. Thanks for the images!
