Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Get a Move on

"Routine is God's way of saving us between our hours of inspiration" -- Oswald.

Just last night at a church meeting, we were discussing the issues of duty and obligation. I was rather adamant in my insistence that duty for duty's sake is meaningless, but I love Oswald's spin on the subject today. God molds me through laundry and paying the bills and scraping wax.

"The great hindrance in spiritual life is that we will look for big things to do" -- Oswald. Or in believing that meaning lies in the big things. I am meant to be the "common stuff of ordinary life exhibiting the marvel of the grace of God." Please help me to remember that.



  1. Barbara, this reminds me that Abraham went 25 years before God first promised him a son and the next time God spoke to him. Those 25 years were filled with common, ordinary, daily life - loving Sarah, raising Ishmael, finding pasture for his flocks, protecting his people from mauraders. He was faithful in the ordinary work that God had given him to do. How else could he be ready to hear God when He spoke?

    Thanks for reminding me...


  2. Amen. It is the small stuff (naturally - 'cause the small stuff happens more than the big stuff) that we should train ourselves to obey God.

    Glad to see you dojng this. I started myself about 8 days ago - on Blogger too. Small world

  3. P.S. You should install the RSS Feed widget. I'd like to feed your blog over to mine. That way people get to read from more points of view and it might encourage others to write also. What do you think?
