Friday, June 4, 2010

The Never-Failing God

"And so you risk. You keep standing in crowded rooms and giving yourself over to people. You hand them your innards, brown-red and coiled on the center of a dirty plate. All the women in the room keep talking about crafts and sales and their children's latest colds."
~from I Went to the Animal Fair by Heather Harpham

Why don't I read the Psalms more? The Psalmists longed for the very intimacy that I seek. They sought it, too: "To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; in you I trust, O my God," Psalm 25:1. I picture myself gingerly holding my soul in my cupped hands -- only my soul looks more like the brown-red, coiled innards that Heather Harpham describes -- and I offer that soul to God. I lift it up to him, and somehow he finds it a treasure.

He will never leave me nor forsake me.


  1. Dear Barb & Dawn

    I have put the prayer notes we discussed on another post in a form suitable for the web and you can find it on my website at prayer.pdf. You can read it online or save it and print it out. I hope it helps.


  2. Barbara, I would like to send you a free copy of my book of prayers from the Psalms: Changing Me, Change the World. You can look at it on If you would like to have a copy, send your mailing address to me at lynndaell[at]live[dot]com.
