Thursday, December 17, 2009

Redemption Creates the Need It Satisfies

Within the realm of homeless shelters, we often speak of the "God-shaped hole" within people and how drugs, sex, money, alcohol and relationships often serve as futile attempts to fill that hole. What we might not emphasize enough, however, is Who created the hole in the first place. Yesterday, a pastor friend was praying for me, and he used this sentence: "Life was calculated to be too big for us." I keep thinking about that. God is not expecting me to finally rise to the occasion and get my stuff together. In fact, if I understand Oswald correctly, he's saying that God is continually creating a need within me, a need that only he can satisfy. The hope (this side of heaven) is not that I will one day be filled up and have no more need. The hope is that I will daily recognize the need and turn to the only One who can fill it. "Nothing can satisfy the need but that which created the need. This is the meaning of redemption -- it creates and it satisfies."

There is hope in the longing that characterizes my life. Good news.


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