Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Vision and Reality

The vision for me is an intimate relationship with God where he and I are in constant communication. I talk to him not in a vague, I-think-this-is-how-one-talks-to-a-supreme-being kind of way but in a daughter-to-father, patient-to-counselor, friend-to-confidante kind of way. I am absolutely assured of his presence moment by moment. I hear his voice not in my ear but in my heart. I have no doubt of his love and acceptance, and I, in turn, am utterly devoted to him. My life, my work, my relationships have meaning because his life, his blood, his breath flow through me. In the vision, there is no wandering hopelessness, no crying out in despair.

In the valley, the vision sometimes seems like a distant dream, a vapor.


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