Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Price of Vision

Struggling again. King Uzziah, whose reign lasted 52 years, is considered to be one of the good kings of Judah, but his record was far from blameless. During the latter part of his reign, his pride got the better of him, and he attempted to burn incense in the temple -- a job reserved for the priests. About 80 priests stood against him. He got angry, tried to bully his way past them, and leprosy broke out on his forehead. He spent the remainder of his days in isolation, in disgrace, relieved of his kingly duties. His name serves as a reminder of the imperative of humility -- much like Uzzah's act of touching the ark of the covenant which brought about his immediate death.

Most of the commentaries I looked at treated the reference to Uzziah's death in Isaiah 6:1 as merely an historical placeholder. Oswald seems to invest the relationship between the king's death and Isaiah's vision with a great deal more significance -- "In the year that the one who stood to me for all that God was . . ." I'm wondering if, never having been part of a monarchy, I'm missing something. The king was often referred to as the anointed one. He was God's representative. His death created instability, uncertainty, national emergency.

The importance to which Oswald is referring, then, seems to be that of the king's position rather than personal relationship as I was thinking.

The relevant point for me, however, is probably much more personal. It is my husband who stands most obviously in the position of God to me -- not our president. I long ago ceased to hope in government as any kind of savior. But I do often look to my husband to define my value when everything around me and within me causes me to question it. It is he who demonstrates the unconditional love for which my whole being thirsts. It is he who models forgiveness and long-suffering. I do not want to imagine my life without him.

What does that mean in terms of placing God first, God second, God third in my life?


1 comment:

  1. I don't agree with oswald on this one. God is the inventor of family, and church. I think they are suppose to rank in our lives. God first, family next, then church.
