Sunday, July 4, 2010

One of God's Great Don'ts

I am a worrier, and I know I should not be.

"Fretting springs from a determination to get our own way" -- Oswald. Truly, as arrogant as it sounds, I fear that what God wants for me or my future or my children will not be what I want.

"Fretting is wicked if you are a child of God" -- Oswald. I have also heard worry referred to as "practical atheism." If I believe that God is loving enough to want what's best for me, wise enough to know what's best for me, and powerful enough to bring about what's best for me -- why do I worry? My answer is that I see my weaknesses, my failures, my inability to change, and I despair.

"All our fret and worry is caused by calculating without God" -- Oswald. My despair does not take God adequately into account. He promises that his power is perfected in weakness. He promises that he will never leave me nor forsake me. He promises that his plans are good plans, plans to give me a future and a hope.

All of my worry cannot add a single day to my life, but it can certainly subtract. Help me, God, to think more about you and less about me. I cannot change me. I leave it to you.

1 comment:

  1. I at times can also be a fretter, and I until now never thought of it as sin. I have been for the past day or so worrying about one thing in particular. Mostly because I want my way on this, and not once have I prayed about it. I think it's time to pray!
